
The Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Earth Sciences (MIFT) was established by Rectoral Decree No. 1477 on July 6, 2015, based on the proposal of professors from the academic disciplinary areas CUN: 01 (Mathematical and Computer Sciences), 02 (Physical Sciences), and 04 (Earth Sciences). Subsequently, professors from CUN areas 03 (Chemical Sciences) and 09 (Industrial and Information Engineering) also joined the Department.

The Department aims to promote the development of scientific culture and educational processes at every level within the relevant scientific areas. Scientific, educational, training, technological, and outreach activities, geared towards advancing research and teaching, benefit from the strength of combining diverse expertise, research laboratories, services, computing resources, and infrastructure within a single Department.

The educational activity is organized into Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programs, affiliated with the Department, and also in Programs in collaboration with other Departments, structured to ensure a comprehensive educational path with opportunities in both Research Doctorate and professional fields, covering almost all reference areas.

Recently, some educational paths entirely or partially conducted in English have also been introduced to promote the internationalization of the educational offer.

Within the Department, three Bachelor's Degree Programs are affiliated:

  • "Fisica" [Physics] (Class L-30)
    • "Informatica" [Computer Science] (Class L-31)
    • "Tecnologie Informatiche" Curriculum, taught in Italian
  • "Data Analysis" Curriculum, taught in English
  • "Matematica" [Mathematics] (Class L-35)

And four Master's Degree Programs:

  • "Data Science" (Class LM-Data) (international course taught in English)
  • "Geophysical Sciences for Seismic Risk" (Class LM-79) (international course taught in English)
  • "Matematica" [Mathematics] (Class LM-40)
  • "Physics" (Class LM-17)
    • "Condensed Matter Physics" Curriculum, taught in English
    • "Fisica Applicata" [Applied Physics] Curriculum, taught in Italian
    • "Fisica Nucleare e Particellare" [Nuclear and Particle Physics] Curriculum, taught in Italian

Additionally, the Department contributes to the delivery of interdisciplinary Programs:

  • "Scienze e Tecnologie della Navigazione" [Navigation Sciences and Technologies] (Class LM-28)
  • "ECS (Engineering Computer Science)" (Class LM-32 Ingegneria Informatica [Computer Engineering] and LM-18 Informatica [Computer Science]) (international course taught in English)

The Department is also the venue for two Research Doctorate Programs:

The Department is organized into three sections:

  • Mathematics and Computer Science, conducting research in the fields of Mathematical Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Physics, Algebraic and Geometric Structures, and Computer Science.
  • Physics, conducting research in the fields of Condensed Matter Physics, Nuclear Physics, and Applied Physics related to Cultural Heritage and the Environment.
  • Earth Sciences, conducting research in the fields of Geophysics, mineralogical and petrographic studies, geological studies, and Seismology.

The term Third Mission refers to a set of activities through which Universities and Public Research Institutions interact directly with society, providing a contribution that complements the traditional missions of teaching and research.
The Third Mission encompasses:

  • Economic valorization of knowledge
  • Cultural and social valorization

In the first case, the goal is to promote economic growth by transforming knowledge generated through research into useful knowledge for productive purposes. In the second case, public goods are produced that enhance the well-being of society. These goods may have:

  • Cultural content (events and cultural assets, management of museum centers, archaeological excavations, scientific dissemination)
  • Social content (public health, activities for the benefit of the community, technical/professional consultations provided in teams)
  • Educational content (adult education, life-long learning, continuous training)
  • Civil awareness content (public debates and controversies, scientific expertise)

The MIFT Department engages in consultancy activities and provides high-tech services in response to the needs expressed by external public entities or private companies, not only at the local level but also nationally and internationally.

The MIFT Department is capable of delivering such services thanks to its state-of-the-art facilities and the expertise and excellence of its researchers and technicians, particularly in areas where the department's skills find effective application (e.g., consultancy related to energy efficiency, smart grids, detection, and monitoring of particulate matter in the atmosphere, as well as consultancy in the field of forensic geology and environmental crimes).

These services can be executed upon the signing of a specific scientific collaboration agreement or in the form of third-party services.

The MIFT Department establishes agreements with public and private entities for externally funded research, consulting, and training activities on topics addressed by the researchers and professors affiliated with the Department. These activities are conducted at the educational and scientific facilities and laboratories of the Department.

The three-year Strategic Plan presents an analysis of the Department and the development program for strategic and operational objectives in the areas of Teaching and Student Services, Research, and Third Mission - Social Impact.

The Plan, prepared in accordance with the University's Strategic Guidelines, is approved by the Department Council and updated annually.

The initiation of a strategic planning process by the University began in the triennium 2020-2022.