Services provided by the Administrative Units of the Department
- Administrative document workflow management
- Administration and accounting of project activities
- Third-party procedures
- Personnel missions
- Procurement procedures for goods
- Tendering, negotiation, and contractual procedures
- Non-scientific material warehouse management
- IT procedures
- Planning and execution of departmental operational objectivesGestione flussi documentali amministrativi
- Administrative document workflow wanagement
- Directorate communications
- Conventions management
- Minutes and resolutions management for the Department Council
- Planning and execution of departmental operational objectives
- Management of administrative document flows
- Study courses (administrative support)
- Joint Commission (administrative support)
- Student reception (administrative support)
- Coordination and data management of educational digital platforms
- Procedures for apprenticeships/internships
- Support to the Orientation Delegates
- Graduation sessions (administrative support)
- PhD (administrative support)
- Interface with U.Op. Sciences and Technologies, C.O.P., CIAM and U.Org. International relations
- Front office
- Planning and execution of departmental operational objectives
- Administrative document workflow management
- Support for research and educational laboratories
- Support and assistance for safety procedures in work activities
- Support and assistance for laboratory waste disposal and treatment
- Interface with the SAPP
- Technical-scientific collaborations and support for research project development
- Technology transfer: interface with university services
- Support for procurement procedures (scientific sector)
- Organizational/technical/scientific support for third mission activities
- Planning and execution of departmental operational objectives
Technical Services Section
- Administrative document workflow wanagement
- Management of Service Laboratories (Electronics, Informatics, Mechanics)
- Interface with University Technical Services
- Support for Procurement Procedures (Technical Sector)
- Support for Educational Activities
- Transportation and Handling of Equipment
- Inventory Discharge
- Planning and Execution of Departmental Operational Objectives
I.T. Services Section
- Support for the Computer Laboratories
- Management of Courses Websites
- Management/Maintenance of Information Technology and Multimedia Equipment
Logistics Services Section
- Front Office (Correspondence/Parcels)
- Management of Storage Rooms
- Logistics