The MIFT Department
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences (MIFT) has as its purpose the development and advancement of knowledge and scientific innovation in the reference sectors and their transmission through training courses and dissemination processes.
The scientific, educational, training, technological and dissemination activities, aimed at the development of research and teaching, have as their strength the sharing in a single Department of diversified skills, research laboratories and services, computing and infrastructure resources.
The MIFT Department has its headquarters at the Papardo University Campus in the northern area of Messina.

PEC: dipartimento.mift@pec.unime.it
Secretariat: dipartimento.mift@unime.it
Administration: amministrazione.mift@unime.it
Didactic: didattica.mift@unime.it
Research: ricerca.mift@unime.it
Services: servizi.mift@unime.it
Webmaster: webmaster.mift@unime.it
Site: Viale Ferdinando Stagno d'Alcontres 31 - 98166 Messina