Pathways for Soft Skills and Orientation (PCTO)

The MIFT Department, across all its disciplinary areas, promotes and implements PCTO projects with secondary schools located on the territory.

The PCTO projects, organized through the coordination of the university COP, which provides a platform for schools to view and participate in proposals, employ didactic strategies to bridge and harmonize two realities: the academic world and the experiential realm of work and university. Students from schools thus have the opportunity to apply the skills acquired in the classroom in real-world settings, and vice versa (utilizing experiences gained in PCTO and enhancing them in the classroom). This approach facilitates the integration of young people into a functional organizational dimension outside of school life, broadening their experiences.

The projects developed by MIFT teachers typically involve paths with activities conducted at both university and school premises, engaging students in the development of mainly practical activities with the corresponding final production of their product based on the activities carried out.

PCTO projects are strongly oriented towards interdisciplinary collaboration, usually involving both university professors from various areas and school teachers from different disciplines (primarily English teachers). The Reference persons of the various disciplinary areas of the department are available to design personalized PCTO projects based on the needs or requests of school institute coordinators.

The employed methodologies include frontal and/or interactive lessons, group work, laboratory activities, research, and in-depth studies via the web, as well as the use of devices and multimedia platforms.

Finally, it is crucial to emphasize that, in addition to acquiring specific skills related to the theme of each individual PCTO, transversal skills are also enhanced, increasing scientific sensitivity to become more global citizens.

Attached are the PCTO projects carried out by MIFT teachers with school institutes in the last academic years: