Teacher education

Project "The Lincei for a New Teaching Approach in Schools: A National Network" Catania Messina Hub - Messina Branch

The project was initiated in 2010 by the National Academy of Lincei and the MIUR.

In 2015, the "Lincei for Schools" Foundation was established to coordinate the project at the regional level with the hubs and at the national level.

The project aims to:

  • Support and enhance national education and training systems by establishing a national network of academies that, through various initiatives, advocates for a renewed methodology in teaching scientific subjects and linguistic and conceptual knowledge. This approach seeks to stimulate the learning of the scientific method and the development of creativity, impacting the entire national territory over time. It aims to better guide scientific careers in both higher education and gender equality, aligning with European documents.
  • Innovate teaching by providing students with a method based more on classroom experimentation than rote memorization. The goal is to actively involve students in rediscovering the fundamental laws of mathematics, biology, physics, and chemistry, considering them as fundamental engines of scientific learning, and to help them grow consciously in language.

The training courses offered in the 23 active hubs across 16 regions cover the following disciplines:

  • Italian language teaching
  • Italian literature
  • Mathematics
  • Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, etc.)
  • Digital culture and creativity

The training courses are free of charge.

The MIFT Department organizes on-site (since 2017) training courses in Mathematics and Sciences (in collaboration with the CHIBIOFARAM Department):


The project promotes, in secondary schools, teaching based on rational and experimental investigation using a suitable Mathematics Laboratory. Developing the methodology of the Mathematics Laboratory is considered useful and important, not only as an equipped classroom but also as a moment in which the student, guided by the teacher, learns to design and conduct experimental observations on objects, interpret results, formulate simple predictions and conjectures, and engage in logical argumentation. Through this approach, appropriately supplemented by teacher explanations, text reading, and calibrated exercises, the necessary results in mathematical knowledge can be more easily achieved today.

In the academic year 2023-2024, the Messina hub will offer the free course: "Curves and Their Applications." Registrations will expire on 19/11/2023. More information is provided in the corresponding attachment below.

Attached are the activated Mathematics Courses at the Messina Hub with the program and schedule of activities.

Information provided by Prof. R. Utano.