Referent: Prof. Giovanni Anello
Email: giovanni.anello@unime.it
tel: 090/676 5079
The PLS is organized into distinct National Projects for each discipline (Degree Classes).
For each degree class, there is a leading university site with a national coordinator.
All university sites with a degree course belonging to the classes involved in the projects adhere to the PLS.
The University of Messina has been part of the Mathematics PLS since its establishment.
The local coordinator was Professor Rosanna Utano until the academic year 2014/15, subsequently replaced by Professor Giovanni Anello, the current referent.
More than ten secondary schools in the Metropolitan City of Messina, and also some schools in Reggio Calabria, have been involved in the Mathematics PLS.
Approximately twenty school teachers and more than ten tutors selected through calls issued by the department where the Mathematics Degree Course is located have collaborated in the implementation of educational workshops.
Lastly, four training courses for teachers have been conducted with the collaboration of university professors and expert personnel.