Tutoring Committee

The establishment of a permanent "Tutoring Committee" at the MIFT Department is one of the strategies for "Teaching Activity” identified by the Department in the Three-Year Plan 2023-2025.

This Committee, made up of PhD students and research fellows of the MIFT Department, has been created with the aim of providing all students of the Degree Courses involved in the Department, both first and second level, with a wide range of support activities, including “relational”, “educational” and also "motivational" consultancy, through meetings at the request of the student, both in presence and on the digital platforms made available by the University.  

We think that interfacing with PhD students and research fellows allows students to become more familiar with the academic context and consequently to acquire greater serenity in facing the university path. 

The tutor of the "Tutoring Committee" can also advise on the "study method", on the "study plan", on the "choice of optional disciplines" and on the "supervisor" for drafting the final exam. 

All the activities of the "Tutoring Committee" will be useful not only for the students involved, but also for the students participating in calls for tutoring grants (informative, educational/specialist) aimed at the needs of UNIME students, in view of both a possible continuation in the academic career and entry into the world of work.  

Composition of the Tutoring Committee 

Bachelor Degree Course and Master Degree Course in "Mathematics"
Bachelor Degree Course and Master Degree Course in "Physics"
Bachelor Degree Course in "Computer Science" and Master Degree Course in "Data Science"
Master Degree Course in "Geophysical Sciences for Seismic Risk"