Quality Assurance Group of the Study Program

The Quality Assurance Group (GAQ, in italian) of the Study Program is composed of the teaching staff member responsible for the Study Program's AQ (Coordinator of the Study Program), at least two teaching staff members affiliated with the Study Program, a member of the Administrative and Technical Staff (PTA, in italian), and a student.

The GAQ has the following functions:

  • Involvement in the redesign and management phase of the Study Program
  • Analysis of reports from the Joint Commission of Teachers and Students (CPDS) and the Evaluation Unit (NdV)
  • Monitoring of data related to the Study Program (educational activities and support services)
  • Support to the Coordinator in analyzing the performance indicators of the Study Program and in compiling the SMA and SUA-CdS
  • Conducting the cyclical review of the Study Program, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and implementing improvement actions, ensuring their proper implementation for all stakeholders.

Giuseppe Mandaglio (CdS Coordinator)

Vincenza Crupi (CdS Teaching Staff)

Prestipino Giarritta Santi (CdS Teaching Staff)

Salvatore Magazù (CdS Teaching Staff)

Antonio Trifirò (CdS Teaching Staff)

Alice Anastati (Student)

Paola Donato (PTA Representative)

Massimo Villari (CdS Coordinator)

Maria Fazio (CdS Teaching Staff)

Andrea Mandanici (CdS Teaching Staff)

Andrea Ruggeri (Student)

Alessandra Spanò (PTA Representative)

Patrizia Rogolino (CdS Coordinator)

Annunziata Palumbo (CdS Teaching Staff)

Rosanna Utano (CdS Teaching Staff)

Claudia Ferraro (Student)

Rosa Anoldo (PTA Representative)

Massimo Villari (CdS Coordinator)

Maria Fazio (CdS Teaching Staff)

Matteo Gorgone (CdS Teaching Staff)

Alessandro Caratozzolo (PTA Representative)

Patrizia Rogolino (CdS Coordinator)

Annunziata Palumbo (CdS Teaching Staff)

Rosanna Utano (CdS Teaching Staff)

Claudia Ferraro (Student)

Alessandra Spanò (PTA Representative)

Antoinette Tripodi (CdS Coordinator)

Alessandra Jannelli (CdS Teaching Staff)

Natale Manganaro (CdS Teaching Staff)

Claudia Fazio (Student)

Rosa Anoldo (PTA Representative)

Giuseppe Mandaglio (CdS Coordinator)

Giorgio Arcadi (CdS Teaching Staff)

Gianpietro Malescio (CdS Teaching Staff)

Valentina Venuti (CdS Teaching Staff)

Michele Victorian Ferro (Student)

Paola Donato (PTA Representative)