MIFT opens up to the business world

Scientific and technological advancement, resulting from basic and applied research in various sectors, serves as a driving force for the development of our territory. It also constitutes the engine of the cultural force that creates, nurtures, and satisfies the primary needs of society, stimulating the circuits of the economy, well-being, and growth. The competitive capability of a territory is indeed intimately and indispensably linked to the innovation that arises from scientific and technological research. In this context, one of the missions of the Department of MIFT is to strengthen the ties between researchers in the department and the business world. This involves attempting to innovate and rapidly transfer innovations to the applied field, creating a synergy of intentions that benefits the entire economic system, creating new job opportunities for our graduates/Ph.D. students, and forming "new professional figures" (project evaluators, technological brokers, managers, entrepreneurs, etc.).

Actions to be developed:

  • Enhance our human capital, consisting of many young graduates trained in the Bachelor's and Ph.D. programs linked to the Department of MIFT, and valuable researchers who achieve excellent results and are recognized internationally for scientific productivity, innovativeness, and the significance of their studies.
  • Make additional investments for the internationalization of the Department of MIFT, creating an international environment "on-site" with courses in English capable of attracting students, researchers, and foreign professors with the appropriate investments, thereby increasing the attractiveness of our research system with an expanded educational and professional offering.

The Department of MIFT will seek to carry out specific activities, including:

  • Scouting and pre-selection actions of ideas with entrepreneurial potential.
  • Provide opportunities and services for in-process support, mentoring, and actions of support and guidance to the market.
  • Allocate annual research grants to activate research projects with potential market impact that can be enhanced through an entrepreneurial path.
  • Conduct training interventions to strengthen managerial skills.

Formative seminars on Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and opportunities for funding international research, as well as participation in recruiting activities